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Neck Pain

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Disc Injuries

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Arthritis/ Spinal Decay


Because headaches are so common, some people think that getting a headache is just a normal part of life!

Headaches are a sign that something's wrong.

There are many types of headaches. A frequent and overlooked cause of headaches is the malfunction of spinal bones in the neck and upper back. When bones of the spine lose their normal position or motion, sensitive nerves and blood vessels to the head can be affected. When spinal nerves and related tissues are stretched or irritated, they can produce throbbing headaches. Aspirin and medications may cover up these warning signs, but do not correct the underlying structural cause. This can lead to very dangerous cycles of pain medication consumption. This can have serious consequences such as stomach ulcers, liver disease, and rebound headaches. Many people find relief and correction with massage and/or spinal mobilization.

"Cervical spine manipulation was associated with significant improvement in headache outcomes in trials involving patients with neck pain and/or neck dysfunction and headache." Duke Evidence Report, McCrory, Penzlen, Hasselblad, Gray (2001)

Many patients report headache relief. Others find that the correction of their problem takes longer because their spinal problem has existed undetected for many years. Every patient responds differently.