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Neck Pain

Low Back Pain/ Sciatica

Disc Injuries

Joint Pain

Arthritis/ Spinal Decay


Arthritis affects one in every three Americans. So chances are you or someone you know has arthritis.

Arthritis is a condition characterized by an inflammation of the joints. It causes pain, stiffness and sometimes swelling in or around joints. This can make it hard to do the movements you rely on every day for work or to take care of your family. But you can take steps now to avoid arthritis, reduce pain and keep moving.

How does it begin?

Normal curves and proper disc spacing allow normal function of the spine and nervous system. Degeneration (arthritis) is related to the same process the body uses to mend a broken bone. The body attempts to fuse the adjacent spinal bones together.

Like the mineral deposits in a cave, if given enough time, adjacent spinal bones can fuse together.